Top 3 Tips for Making Eye-Catching Animated Banner Ads Online


Animated banner ads are a good way to attract attention in a very heavily saturated area. They bring differentiation and activity to a brand’s message and make it stand out on websites, applications, and social media. With banner ad maker like CapCut Commerce Pro providing creative animation options, creating professional banners is much easier than before. The beautifully crafted animated commercial ad not only attracts anyone’s sight but also creates some sort of revelation making the advertisement engaging and fruitful.

Start with a Strong Concept

Like any other form of advertising, every good banner ad starts with a great concept. It should be relevant to the brand’s purpose and must be interesting to the target group. Whether an ad is for a product, a sale, or just reminding people of the existence of a specific brand, the message has to be simple. One must not forget that animated banners are normally small and have limited time to pass on the message. It is better to have one idea that will make the viewer sit up and listen rather than trying to put in as much information as possible. For example, an eye-catching slogan, a daring and powerful call to action, or just a unique aspect of the product.

Use Smooth and Subtle Animation

Qualitative animations in banner ads must be non-flashing and easy on the eye. If the ad’s components are too bright or move too quickly, the audience will simply turn away from the ad. These movements look more professional than other complex movements like zoom and blink such as fading text or images sliding across the screen. While applying animations, it becomes especially crucial to direct the focus of a person watching the animation to the relevant segment, the message, or the action. For instance, merchants using annotations may place an arrow to the ‘Shop Now’ button, or have the image enlarge slightly, to draw attention to it.

Choose Colors and Fonts Wisely

Both colors and fonts are important design features that determine the mood of an animated banner ad. Easy, bright, and clear colors are used for brightening the sight, and more sober shades symbolize klass. Their range should accentuate the company’s colors so that its marketing literature has a uniform look and feel. On the typeface, the areas of an image selected for an ad should be clear and easy to read even when the texts used are small. The animated text should come on in a way that the message can be read and understood by the viewers. It is the better approach to keep the design clean from clutter to make sure that the chosen color and font will blend well.


Animated banner ads can revolutionize online campaigns by attracting attention and conveying messages. When it comes to the design, the transitions, the responsiveness, and the CTA, brands can make ads that hit the mark. Such applications as CapCut Commerce Pro help to save time and make it possible to implement creative concepts. With these tips, it is possible to create good banner ads that will grab the attention of the viewers and improve the position of a business online.


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